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SCUSBCBA Scholarships

The Space Coast USBC BA will be giving three (3) Scholarships for the 2024-2025 Season to a qualified Graduating Senior in East Central Florida. See the applications and deadline dates on this page.




The Board of Directors of the Space Coast BA is offering a $1,000 each Scholarship to a graduating student in East Central Florida. The recipient must meet the following requirements.

1) Graduating Senior from a High School in East Central Florida

2) Be one of the following:

  • A member of the Space Coast BA; or

  • The child/relative of a current member of the Space Coast BA

3) Rank in the top 50% of his or her class or hold an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher.

Michael T Demchak Scholarship

Lola Spurgeon Scholarship

Dave Asquith Scholarship

New Application
Click Here

NOTE: Linda Asquith donated $1,000 to the association in Dave Asquith's name as another scholarship to be given out.

NEW Application Deadline - May1, 2025



The Name Behind the Scholarship

Michael T Demchak Scholarship

A former member of the Florida Space Coast Bowling Association and a former Professor at Florida Institute of Technology.

He is instrumental in coaching the youth bowlers and dedicated his spare bowling time to this task.

The scholarship is dedicated and named by the FSCBA.


Lola Spurgeon Scholarship

A former member of the North Brevard WBA & Indian River WBA and strong supporter of the Brevard-Indian River Youth, she dedicated her time to help the youth.

The scholarship is dedicated and named by the Brevard-Indian River Youth.


Dave Asquith Scholarship
A former Space Coast USBC BA Director who is instrumental in the budget and awards programs since the merger of the associations into one organization in 2017. A constant fixture at the bowling center and was affectionately called the "Candy Man" for fundraising he has done to support the youth scholarship and awards program. He loved to watch the kids bowl and helped in any way that he can.

The scholarship was started in 2021 in his honor. 


Patsy Wedding Annual Youth Scholarship

The Florida State USBC Association typically gives out eight to fifteen $1,000 scholarships each year. How great it would be if a youth bowler from your association center could receive one of these scholarships?


Application Deadline May 1, 2024


Application Form


J.J. Garrett Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship will be awarded to a USBC young, sanctioned bowler who best exemplifies Mr. Garrett’s love of the game. J.J. believed that if bowling wasn’t promoted at a young age, the sport would die. We want to recognize a young bowler who not only participates but also helps to improve our sport.

Application Deadline May 1, 2024

Application Form

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